preschool toys

162 Results
Now that your little one is preschool age, you might be thinking of introducing more educational toys to their playtime. LeapFrog learning tablets or Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn toys keep kids entertained while their learning their ABCs, numbers, colors and more. Electronic toys from brands like VTech are loaded with fun activities. Fun characters that talk or have lights and sounds make great skill builders for children headed for preschool. While educational toys prepare kids for school, preschool toys like shape sorters, vehicles, blocks and construction sets hold lots of play value, too. Don’t overlook dolls and games as great toys for young ones. Dolls inspire role play fun, while games teach patience in taking turns, as well as how to be a gracious winner and how to react even when the game doesn’t go their way. Children benefit from all kids of toys and games, and there’s no better place to stock up on their soon-to-be faves than at!